ShouraiLive × Omega Sparx「Adapt」

A joint venture between ShouraiLive, Omega Sparx of GameBreax, and DJ Optimus Prime, "Adapt" is an anthem for every warrior who has been knocked down by adversity, and battled their way back up. 

Shourai was born with Cerebral Palsy, a non-progressive condition that affects the part of the brain that handles the limbs and fine motor functions. This condition has rendered him unable to talk or walk, confining him to a wheelchair. In addition, he only has 90% use of his right arm, with the dexterity of his left hand probably being about 25% of his right. 

Growing up with Cerebral Palsy, Shourai's life has been an uphill battle. In school, he was told that he should be in special education, but he showed them wrong by going into regular classes with normal students and subsequently graduating. Gaming, he's known for playing and beating games as well as opponents you wouldn't think possible, one-handed. He has also figured out how to talk on the phone using text-to-speech.